i'm a lot better now! but i still think technology hates me. because now my CD drive can't work again, and my printer somehow can't print pdf documents.
but on the bright side, angel's brother might be able to save my phone, and i realised i backed up a copy of my CV in my hard disk! (:
anyway the angst at technology obscured the fun over the past few days! thursday was lnat, and after that dinner at sakae with sabrina and bib before heading off to RAFFLES CREAMERY which was super awesome! photos when i can be bothered to upload them haha (: awesome nonetheless!
friday was school. getting back papers wasn't too good but looks like stuff worked out in the end. the weekend was BLEARGH. thanks to my phone. but sunday did cheer me up a bit (:
though it was such a piggish day, because we started out at 2 at manhattan fish market with a seafood platter, decided not to go to settlers and go to nectarie for desserts instead (omg the strudel and ice creams are really damn nice) and after that headed to bk for a drink.
and by the time we were at bk it was almost six and it was time to go out with my family for my mum's birthday dinner at this place at east coast. so from 2-8 i ate non stop. haha!
and today!more results yay history (: but econs tmr is worrying haha!
and im lazy to type anymore so bye for now it's showtime!
1. my iphone is screwed. i can't hear anyone on the receiver. so the simlim guy wanted to charge me 80 bucks to restore my software and see if it'll help. and smart me decided HAH i know how to do it myself. but I DON'T! and after installing the newest iphone software it fucking locked my phone and i can't use it AT ALL now. let's hope angel's brother the techgeek who seems to know how to save it is able to save it tomorrow. i hope i haven't screwed it beyond salvation. but anyhow even if i restore it i can't use it as a phone. omg i want to scream despite how much i complain about what a shit phone my iphone is i've come to feel some affection for it after like 4 months of usage and now I ACTUALLY MISS IT OMG. i want to cry and scream and swear and &*^!$%^$!%^!!!!!! cos THERE GOES MY MSGS. and all my phone contacts are in the computer so IF YOU SMS ME PLEASE TELL ME WHO YOU ARE. cos im using some laopok phone that obviously can't sync with the computer. OMG WHY DO I HAVE SUCH ITCHY FINGERS ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
2. i just like filled in my stanford apps (one part of it) and like clicked SAVE. and omg what did the thing do? it signed me out instead and everything i typed in that page was gone?? luckily i saved the long answers in msword but i had to retype the short answers. hello SAVE =/= SIGN OUT????
3. and wth i wanted to attach my cv, and when i opened (what i thought was my cv) GUESS WHAT. i had somehow saved some seahits essay outline over it?????? i opened it and saw some JAPANESE OCCUPATION shit and i like swore in my head because i can't even remember what i fucking typed in it anymore.
OMGGGGGG I CANT EVEN BREATHE PROPERLY. AND I DONT EVEN WANT TO GO OUT TOMORROW. but i have to go out and pass angel my phone and hopefully like she said HAHA hanging out with pretty girls HAHAHAHA will cheer me up haha.
GOSH. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH that must be the 4th and 5th time i actually used the f-word ever.
okay whatever! haha omg today was such an exciting day :D :D :D woohoos!
met karen at tanjong pagar! and we trooped down to hotel M (which i never knew existed><) for our free buffet (: and actually it wasn't all that great la cos the main courses were a bit weird and the desserts weren't very pretty but haha it was fun all the same and we were the only people who like really sat there from 12 plus to 2plus whereas like all the working ppl left pretty quickly haha! and anyways it was free so we're not complaining (: and it was like quite a nice place to sit and talk and talk just like we always do HAHA. but sadly there's really no such thing as a free lunch in the world after all! haha because there was this scary waiter who made us cave in to pressure to buy drinks haha so lunch was 7bucks! haha!
and the customary photo in the hotel toilet HAHA
and after this we trooped down to chinatown but it was a rather fruitless shopping trip with the exception of our newly acquired bangles! and two rings that i bought that karen felt was too she1 chi3 but haha nevermind!
and omg i think karen's neoprint camera is damn cool la wth! like can make certain parts of the photo coloured and the rest sepia/ black and white zomg so haha here you go me modelling all the bangles but not like it matters you cant really see much flesh anyway HAHA!
okay BUT the highlight in chinatown was.... OUR FOOT REFLEXOLOGY AND SHOULDER MASSAGE. omg i can't believe we actually did it there la haha! we trooped down to chinatown point and skulked around the place, pointing very excitedly whenever we saw a foot reflexology shop! but after glancing past many dubious shops with lots of men only, we finally found our treasure trove on the third floor, and was so proud of ourselves, because while everywhere else was $18 for 30 minutes and $20 for 40 minutes, the shop we went to was $15 for 30 minutes and $18 for 40 minutes, and not only a foot massage but included a shoulder massage too! so we decided to take a gamble and go for it, and BOY it was the best 18bucks spent EVERRRZZZZZ because our feet felt so pampered and their shoulder massage was very good albeit a bit painful at parts and the woman just kept going on about karen's shoulder being very "hard" and asked her whether she "sits a lot" then we were like huh? dont sit then what? and we didnt even understand what hard meant and she said that my shoulder was softer, but i highly suspect it's because karen's so skinny and bony and i have more fats HAHA
so anyway this shows a very satisfied us! and according to karen we look like EBONY and IVORY no prizes for guessing who is which HAHA
then proud of ourselves for making such a wise choice to do a massage (just because we were enticed by the idea after watching an ad while baking at her house that day) but at the same time guilty because we really spent quite a lot of money already, we decided to go somewhere cheap for dinner. but not a hawker centre cos the outside was like a furnace and we needed aircon so we headed to aston's! and while queueing we(or rather karen) decided to play with her camera!
omg and to conclude our cheapo dinner we went to macs for ice cream :D and their berry cookies mcflurry is really not bad haha!
so YAYYY OMG TODAY WAS AWESOMEZZZZ <33 and even more awesomezzz was my new discovery about ______ haha omg so embarrassing i still remember sec 4! but now i have unravelled the mystery of where ____ went !!! how exciting!
and then phonecall with angel was fun as usual although it started out serious HAHA but knowing both of us, talking crap just got very funny and i updated her about my newfound motivation to retake my SATs and go to harvard HAHA and haha omg online was freaking hilarious. after sending me a lot of photos of "yijun's crush is a drug addict" HAHA she realised it's the wrong person with the same name omg HAHAA i think it gave us a good laugh. but qualifier: it's not my crush it's just that way she titled the photos haha but it was really damn funny!
haha omg i am damn happy today! and even something that made me a bit pissy just now couldn't mar my good mood. but i think now i know the difference between friends by circumstance, being a spare tire and truly good friends(:
there's no light at the end of the tunnel tonight, just a bridge that i gotta burn
sunday was AWESOMEEEEE (: (: (: (: (:
because guess what? we had another 2A2B sleepover and kbox thingum again and it was funnn :D
haha the rest of us met earlier to prepare jolyn's birthday present, but AS USUAL everyone was late, and at five, all the smses saying: "sorry i'm going to be late!" came in haha and i was the earlier reaching 20 minutes late! before princess came soon after! then came jiaks and tsktsk bob the latest haha! so we embarked on our wonderful present of an under the sea board with us as sea creatures (SHUCKS i realised i forgot to take a picture of it!!!)
so ya then we trooped to kbox and as usual it was good fun! it's nice to know that we all haven't changed with me swooning over good looks, jolyn going for good voice, bob supporting the ones no one else supports (KEN AND VANNESS HAHA) jiaks defending ugly people and princess warning us all about how whichever food is cancerous HAHA. and taking toilet breaks whenever jolyn chose the fat singer who we dont know and having the system die then too HAHA! i dont think anyone else would understand how we have so much fun at kbox and why we continually give them so much business haha!
and i must add that yesterday was the most successful birthday surprise we had in a long while HAHA without a single glitch cos we pre-empted lousy waiters and spoilers haha! because bob pretended to go home and then met us at the bridge again (where many birthday surprises have taken place) with the board and cake with all the candles but one extinguished thanks to the wind HAHA. but yay! our brilliant idea because bob said on her way out she met the waitress who was about to deliver the cake in and quickly took it from her haha!
and after that the very determined us who were bu fu qi about not playing lanterns this year decided to play with our lanterns, so we very determinedly lit our paper lanterns and walked around the field outside jiakang's house and her condo. and had a lot of fun with accidentally burnt lanterns, watching out belongings so people on motorbikes wouldnt whisk them away, and walking backwards just to do so HAHA. but of course, what takes the cake was BRILLIANT JIAKS who, in a bid to extinguish her burning lantern, DROPPED IT IN A WHOLE PILE OF DEAD LEAVES, which caused the flame to turn green and the leaves to burn! omg and we were all like -JAW DROP- cos we meant for her to drop it on the pavement, and it didnt occus to her that dead leaves would actually BURN haha. so it was me to the rescue :D who beat the fire out with sticks, if not the headlines of today's papers would have been: PEBBLE BAY GARDEN SET ON FIRE BY RESIDENT YAN JIAKANG. haha
and when we reached jiak's house, to our horror of horrors, we realised that princess and bob had never watched meteor garden before, so the other three of us felt obliged to induct them into our virgin idol drama (not for jiaks though) and so we dug out jiak's vcd and watched it. and mymy it was the most successful staying up session ever, because at EIGHT AM all five of us were zonked but nevertheles quite awake, and we were at disc 9! (after starting at 2am which was when we returned to her house) but when the sky turned bright, we knew it was time to sleep and so we slept at 8am and woke up 6 hours later to watch more liuxinghuayuan!
and thanks to fastforwarding all the parts without daomingsi and shancai, by the time princess and i left at 3 we were at disc 12, and jolyn jiaks and bob reached 15! haha and it's amazing how we can all totally remember all the scenes and lines especially all the sweet bits with shancai and daomingsi, and so there we were 5 girls swooning over mr pineapple hair! and it was really funny because jolyn jiaks and i rmb everything vividly, so when like at the start of certain scenes, someone would go: OMG I REMEMBER THIS, and that would be followed by a ME TOO and a ME THREE haha (:
haha but omg it was such an awesome sleepover <3333!haha and so after sleepover i went for my pedicure to salvage my hideous feet before hurrying to food republic to meet dearest cherie for dinner since she's leaving ): and although we only met for like two hours i think it was great :D I'LL MISS YOU WHEN YOU GO OVER CHERIE <3
hmm but everything just got me thinking again and i think that as the Alevels loom and we're consumed by our studying for it, we're just embarking on yet another phase in life once again. i think in jc we've gone through so many different yet necessary phases that this change only invokes indifference. maybe we're weary-hearted already.
maybe then we'll get through it. and that's all that we can ask for.
dont think there's much to detail about the last few weeks, except that it was mostly made up of studying and exams. of which some went okay and some went not too well and some weren't that bad. but ohwell we'll see when the results come back, no point speculating because we really dont know!
and i think we'll never learn not to leave everything to the last moment haha!
anyway after the heavyweights of both histories it seemed like the exams were pretty much over so this week was just spent youtubing and stuff and not really studying.
but nevertheless to mark the end of the exams, some of us went to watch wall-e, which was really quite cute but definitely not the best pixar film ever. and the hotdog factory stuff is a ripoff and apparently not even yummy though we were all enticed by the idea of having food delivered right to your movie seat!
ended up at some jap desserts place for a while before meeting the cousin hahaa. shopping at vivo :D :D but when we finally have time to shop there seems to be nothing we really want. and my embarrassing experience of having my calf cramping ()*&*#^& while tiptoeing to reach for something just showed me how unfit i am now gosh ><
but meeting is always fun and i think our convo at KOLOMEE hahaha was one of the most thought-provoking ones i've had in a while (:
and yesterday met val for lunch and mama mia! and haha bumped into pok and nicole at the theatre so coincidental! managed to catch up YAY and mamamia is such a feel good movie all the songs just make you happy! though HAHA pierce brosnan's singing is ... but omg colin firth's voice is actually not bad!!
today! haha oops forgot to wake up earlier to meet karen! but in the end went to her house to bake! and our orange cookies taste REALLY yummy and melt-in-the-mouthish but they look like flat blobs cos they were too soft to be cookie-cut ): but nevertheless baking's always fun!
haha i realised my blog has been rather devoid of photos. i think i'm becoming less of a camwhore i didn't take pictures with ppl i went out with the past few days and hence the lack of photos.
though next week is going to be rather exciting :D just for one more week, i'm going to ignore the fact that the Alevels are in 40 days (: just for one more week (:
seriously, i don't think anyone has juniors like ours (: who made a mugging pack for us full of pretty useful things hoho especially when i realised i needed a spare pen cos history finished almost all of mine! I LOVE TOUCH AND I LOVE OUR JUNIORS. haha i bet all you people out there are jealous of how great and wonderful and lovely they are (: (:
hoho rachel aren't you honoured. one whole post dedicated entirely to proclaiming how wonderful you all are!!! much loves <33
and as compensation for the sleep debt earlier today, today i'm allowed a break, if not i'll just collapse and die or something haha.
but the exams have really been sapping the life out of me. the past week has just been sleep, wake up, study, occassionally with company but not when i need to memorize stuff. which is why every moment with friends is cherished (: i can't wait to develop the exciting photos in my oktomat (: (: they're going to be the most awesome roll of film ever, full of jump shots, godiva chocolates, playgrounds, in every imaginable pose with my favourite people of all time(:
and everyday it's just talking to the same peopl (not that im complaining haha cos its fun as usual) but I CANT WAIT FOR ALL THIS TO BE OVER. university seems so much fun in comparison, especially if you are overseas which is what i really really want.
okay i'm not really functioning at this point now, but it's youtube time! oh the evils of youtube haha ever since i found out i can access youtube on my phone it's given me an excuse to take many studying breaks even though my com's off haha (:
it's all horrible now.
i want my life to be an exciting neverending roll of film
studying sucks ): but i guess it keeps me from thinking of . haha i can't even bring myself to type y__. hahaha
'sugar we're going down